Their overarching mission is to cultivate a critically conscious community who practice and advocate for sustainable living. Each of their entities play a specific role in contributing towards achieving this vision.

Our partnership has enabled them to continue their efforts to provide education and training to teachers in underserved communities.

the litterboom project

Initiated in 2017 by founder Cameron Service, The Litterboom Project - TLP - has taken a different approach to tackling plastic pollution through an upstream model. 

Over the past few years, they have successfully been able to prevent over 500 000 kgs of plastic from reaching the ocean through the hard work of only a few strategically placed teams. TLP is currently active in 10 Rivers around South Africa - 8 in KZN and 2 in the Western Cape.

KHULA Education

Founded in 2007, KHULA Education (supported by the David Rattray Foundation) works in 21 schools in KwaZulu-Natal, they support over 6,450 children and youth and 200 teachers through their four core programmes: Early Childhood Development, Top-Up Teaching at Primary and Secondary level, Educator Development and Life Skills and Job Readiness.

1000 Hills community Helpers

1000 Hills Community Helpers is situated in Inchanga, Kwazulu Natal. They are a registered Non-Profit and Public Benefit Organisation, dedicated to helping those in need. With the dedication of Volunteers, Staff Members and Partners, they strive to improve the lives of everyone who needs help within the Community.

Their Community Centre endeavors to provide a Safe and Stable environment for those in need.

 In response to the needs of their local Community’s plight, a Community Care Centre was constructed comprising of a Health and Wellness Clinic, Children’s Infirmary, Feeding Scheme, Education, Craft/Curio Shop and Skills Development Facility.

Restory foundation

The ReStory Foundation, grown from the Bhambayi Project, empowers the marginalized, especially orphans and vulnerable children and youth, to be courageous agents of change. 

Their mission is to ignite positive cycles of living and giving. Through this identities are strengthened, trauma resilience develops, and agency grows. As a result, lives are restoried and narratives changed across the nation.

Founded in 2007 as the Bhambayi Project, the ReStory Foundation is a registered non-profit organisation and section 18A company, with level 1 B-BBEE rating. 

Bhambayi, Inanda, one of the most disadvantaged and shunned communities in South Africa, continues to be a core focus.

Through fundraising, connecting with others and highlighting the work of our project partners, we CAN support more partner organisations and individuals.


We are interested in connecting with organisations and individuals whose focus is on:

  • Enhancing access to educational resources (particularly online)

  • Environmental & animal conservation

  • Entrepreneurship & tertiary skills development programs   

  • Safety & security for under-served communities

  • Vulnerable children